
Sunday, April 13, 2014

One Month Down

It has been a month since my last post, and it's been a month on my new job. I am really enjoying the job, the new industry and my new co-workers. A friend reminded me that all things happen for a reason, and to enjoy this next chapter of my life. He has a good out-look, and my out-look remains positive. With that said, the only draw back has been the longer commute to work, which results in less time at home with my family. It is taking some adjustment, but I am making the most of the time we do have together.

On the project front, I finished the restoration of the 1948 Singer 15-91. This machine is incredibly FAST and powerful! If I ever have a sewing machine related accident, this machine will be the one to cause it. (I hope I didn't just jinx myself.) I used the 15-91 to quilt the "Kissing Fish" project and the machine performed great. I did need to adjust the bobbin tension for the cotton thread, as it was a bit too tight - a fact I discovered halfway through the quilting. But I was able to 'pick' the trouble areas and even out the stitches, without having to remove them.
1948 Singer 15-91
This is one sweet, POWERFUL, great stitching machine!

As for the "Kissing Fish" is the finished quilt. The points on the individual 8" blocks came out well. Putting all the blocks together...not so well. I definitely need more practice on half-square triangles and 1/4" seams. Practice makes perfect...eventually.
Overall, I'm very please with the "Kissing Fish".
Most of the points aligned properly;some, not so much.

Next project - the 1950 Singer 201-2. I'm looking forward to that restoration. I have a lot of expectations for that machine - it needs to sew as well as my 201k and with the speed and power of my 15-91. I hope it lives up to the hype I've read about.

Until next time, cheers!